Peer-Reviewed Scientific Publications
I have published peer-reviewed original scientific research on HIV as well as schizophrenia. These papers have been cited in high-impact journals including the Lancet, BMJ Open, PLOS One, Brain, Social Science and Medicine, Cerebral Cortex, and Anatomical Record and have been selected for presentations. This places me in the top 5% of psychiatrists, per the h index international measure of productivity and impact.
Relationship Power and Sexual Violence Among HIV-Positive Women in Rural Uganda (mentioned by UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies [CAPS]:
Sexual Relationship Power and Depression among HIV-Infected Women in Rural Uganda
Asymmetry loss is local rather than global in adolescent onset schizophrenia
Temporal horn lengthening as an early index of progression in psychosis
Spatial serial order processing in schizophrenia
Automated analyses of cerebral asymmetry in adolescent onset psychosis
Invited Peer Reviewer
I provide invited Peer Reviews for medical journals, including the following: